Advance sale of coupons

Loyalty system function:

Advance sale of coupons

Favorable customer purchase and you have money in advance "Buy 10 tickets and save €5 on each one"
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Money in advance

Discount in exchange for subscription

Forfeited coupons remain your profit

Loyalty function - Advance sale of coupons

You aim for the customer to make regular purchases from you, however, the customer also seeks to save money. Provide them with a compelling discount if they purchase a subscription. This method guarantees customer satisfaction as they will appreciate the discounted purchase, while you receive upfront payment. With BonusQR, you have the ability to create single-use coupons after each transaction, which the customer can redeem for admissions, services or products based on the terms you establish.

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Loyalty function Advance sale of coupons - suitable for:

Advance sale of coupons - in loyalty models

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